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Housing For Communities, Inc., a regional nonprofit housing organization, is pleased to announce a groundbreaking workshop, "Increasing Affordable Housing Supply: A Primer of Strategies to Implement," scheduled for May 21, 2024, at the MetroTech Springlake Campus. This one-day event aims to comprehensively explore essential strategies to address the pressing need for affordable housing in communities across Oklahoma.

Early bird registration is $99, available until March 29th at https://HousingPrimer.eventbrite.com. Regular registration is $149. This event will provide 8 hours of real estate HOT Topic CE credit OREC Course # 198325.

The day will commence with an introduction and welcome from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), followed by a presentation of the Oklahoma Academy Town Hall Results, providing valuable viewpoints and insights from stakeholders across the state.

Community leaders attending the workshop will gain valuable insights into strategic planning by exploring fundamental approaches to expanding local affordable housing. This will enable informed decision-making to bridge the affordability gap.

The workshop will feature an in-depth exploration of the four HUD Affordable Housing Strategies:

1. Effective Use of Public Funds: Learn how communities can unlock the power of local government in shaping affordable housing production through the strategic use of public funds. Understand municipal resources, including TIF districts, bridge loans, property acquisition, HOME, NHTF, CDBG, Section 108, Section 202, and 811.

2. Effective Use of External Funds: Navigate limited financial resources hindering housing production by exploring diverse funding streams and financing mechanisms. Discover how to leverage sources of funding, including LIHTC, Community Land Trusts, Bonds, USDA, CDFI, Capital Magnet Fund, FHA, HSP, FHLB AHP, HTF, HTC, NMTC, Investment Tax Credits, and other Energy Efficiency Funding.

3. Land Use and Entitlement Policies: Explore ways to maximize density and streamline regulatory barriers to increase affordable housing supply while mitigating environmental impacts. Learn how governments can use land policy to promote the development and preservation of affordable housing.

4. Development of Public Property: To generate substantial affordable housing, prepare community leaders to overcome land selection challenges and regulatory barriers. Explore ways to kickstart the production of affordable housing by using existing assets.

The workshop will conclude with a wrap-up session, providing a snapshot of the day’s presentations and capturing group thoughts on ways Oklahoma can implement these strategies.

Early bird registration is $99, available until March 29th at https://HousingPrimer.eventbrite.com. Regular registration is $149. Sponsorships are still available. This event will provide 8 hours of real estate HOT Topic CE credit OREC Course # 198325.

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