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Did you know that Oklahoma has a plan tor reduce obesity over the next five (5) years?

The 5-Year State Obesity Plan is an evidence-based community improvement plan. Its objectives are to decrease the number of obese Oklahomans by 1–3% over the next five years by providing resources, such as educators and other professionals, who can work with their patients on weight management. This includes health care and education at the schools and worksites in our communities that need it most.

The goal of the plan is to identify environmental changes that will make it easier for all Oklahomans to build healthy habits. These include but are not limited to affordable physical activities and access to fresh and healthy foods in sparse areas.

To learn more about the 5-Year Plan, read the in-depth report. For ideas on how to start building healthy habits today, hop over to our Healthy Living 101 page!

(source: https://shapeyourfutureok.com/oklahomas-5-year-plan-to-reduce-obesity/)

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