The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) welcomes robust public comment on a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing”. Public comments are requested by April 10, 2023. Please look at the details outlined in the Federal Register for guidance towards submitting comments by this deadline.
This proposed rule implements the Fair Housing Act’s affirmatively furthering fair housing mandate, which directs the government to promote fair housing choice, eliminate disparities in housing, and foster inclusive communities.
This is your chance to give feedback to HUD.
- Will the proposed rules streamline the required fair housing analysis for local communities, states, and public housing agencies?
- Will requiring grantees to set goals to address fair housing issues facing their communities, among other landmark changes, cause the change needed?
- Will the changes result in increased transparency for the public?
- Does it foster a local commitment to addressing fair housing issues?
Read the changes and share your opinion and experience with HUD!
- Secretary Fudge’s op-ed, President Biden’s Statement, HUD’s Press Release, AFFH NPRM Fact Sheet and Frequently Asked Questions, and the Quick Reference Guide to learn more about the proposed rule.
- For tips on how to submit public comments, please take a look at the How To Guide.
The AFFH Interim Final Rule remains in effect during proposed rulemaking.
(sources: Environmental Justice@ EPA, and HUD NEWS)