This message is to serve as a reminder of the following annual items due to the OHFA LIHTC Compliance Department.
Monitoring Fee
All Tax Credit invoices were emailed November 30. Please contact an OHFA staff member if you have not received your invoice.
Invoices are due January 28, 2021 OHFA will be temporarily moving in January 2021. Please remit payment to:
LIHTC Compliance
PO Box 26720
Oklahoma City, OK 73126
New Reporting Process
Annual Owner Certification (AOC) – This certification must be signed with a wet or digital signature and submitted to OHFA virtually via Sharefile with the Unit Data Sheets attached. This report(s) is to be uploaded to OHFA LIHTC via OHFA’s secure portal.
Appendix I
This is the blank AOC that must be submitted to OHFA unless the site is currently reporting quarterly to compliance.The quarterly report may be sent via email or to the OHFA LIHTC Sharefile portal link. In addition, if the site reporting was funded out of the non-profit set-side, the non-profit entity must complete the attached non-profit addendum: Due February 15, 2021
*Certification On-Line (COL) The unsigned COL Annual Report and all Tenant Certifications must be submitted electronically: Due February 15, 2021
*Please note if you need a printed copy of the AOC or Unit Data Sheets you must print BEFORE you submit!
If any of the above items are received late, a 10 business-day grace period will be granted prior to allocating negative points.
Per OHFA’s Chapter 36 rules, if a due date for submission of documents or fees falls on a weekend or a designated Federal holiday, the due date becomes the next business day.
Should you have any questions contacts are:
Senna.franklin 405-419-8120 405-419-8131
Christina.nittler 405-419-8272
Sheri.pritchard 405-419-8132
Syleste.johnson 405-419-8280
Sandra.mcgougan 405-419-8271
We hope this message finds everyone well and want to wish all safe and happy holidays!
-OHFA Compliance Staff
