Oklahoma- Wednesday: First Input Session for HOME, NHTF, and HOPWA; Eviction prevention and Housing Counseling Update
by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Aug 11, 2020 | Development
August 12 and 26: HOME, NHTF and HOPWA Public Input Sessions
OHFA is hosting two public input sessions for the 2021 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) action plans.
Register in advance to attend either session or both. The sessions will take place solely via Zoom to accomodate social distance practices. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
2021 HOME Application – Draft
2021 National Housing Trust Fund Application – Draft
If you are unable to attend either of these sessions, there will be a formal public input session and a formal public hearing on the entire State of Oklahoma Consolidated Plan, including the HOME, NHTF and HOPWA Programs. Specific dates for these sessions have not been established yet.

HUD Resources: Eviction Prevention for At-Risk Tenants
HUD has provided guidance on rent repayment plans for landlords and tenants participating in CPD-assisted housing. HUD strongly encourages all grantees and owners of HUD assisted housing to work with tenants at risk of eviction to negotiate rent repayment plans to help them stay housed.
Housing Counselors Update
HUD published the Interim Final Rule on its website on July 31 to announce the delay in the deadline for housing counselors to become HUD certified.
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Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency
2020 |
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