The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency Trustees approved 2017 applications for three housing programs at their meeting this week. Developers and nonprofits interested in constructing, acquiring, or rehabilitating housing affordable to lower income households are invited to apply for funds. Programs and targeted beneficiaries follow.
2016 National Housing Trust Fund-OK (households assisted 30% AMI or Poverty, whichever is greater)
2016 Final Application(updated 9/16/16)
2016 Final Application Forms & Certificates (updated 9/16/16)
2017 Affordable Housing Tax Credit (aka Low Income Housing Tax Credit) (Households assisted are 60% AMI and below)
Application Form Final Draft (updated 8/24/16)
Final Application Instructions(updated 9/16/16)
Final Application Attachments #1-13 (updated 9/16/16)
Multifamily Bond