The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency (OHFA), as the Participating Jurisdiction for the State of Oklahoma for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME Program), is hereby providing the public with notice of the current status of the 2014 HOME Program Application.
OHFA intends to have a draft of the 2014 HOME Program Application Packet available on its website,, on or about March 3, 2014.
OHFA has scheduled a publicinput session on the 2014 HOME Program Application Packet on March 19, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. in the Will Rogers Conference Room, 100 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200, Oklahoma City, OK. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own copies of the draft 2014 HOME Application to the training workshop. OHFA will not have copies available.
The final version of the 2014 HOME Program Application Packet should be available on the OHFA website,, on or about April 1, 2014. OHFA plans to begin accepting 2014 HOME Program applications on or about April 14, 2014. The first deadline would be May 2, 2014, for consideration at the July meeting of the OHFA Board of Trustees.
Due to the number and scope of changes being incorporated for Program Year 2014, delays are possible. If this timeline is for some reason delayed, OHFA will send out another public notice.