405-697-1789 wanda@debrulerinc.com

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 includes language that helps to remove transportation barriers for people with Medicaid seeking needed healthcare. Specifically, the law requires states to ensure necessary transportation for Medicaid beneficiaries to and from covered services; requires states to establish payment rates to ensure that Medicaid beneficiaries have the same access to non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) as people who are not covered by Medicaid; and establishes new requirements for NEMT providers and drivers. On July 12, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued an informational bulletin to explain these provisions.

In formulating their plans, states are required to consult with stakeholders, so it’s important for the aging and disability networks to be aware of the new requirements and your state’s planning so that your input can be included. Read more.

{source: Administration for Community Living}

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