Insights for affordable housing developers and nonprofit organizations that want to thrive
As part of our consulting services for our nonprofit, government and business clients, we share research, articles and resources about the challenges and trends in affordable housing and community services today. It is our hope that our take on these issues will give you new ideas and inspire you to continue making a difference in your community.
Just Launched: Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing Page
HUD exchange is pleased to announce the launch of the Increasing the Supply of Affordable Housing page. By adopting a proactive and well-informed affordable housing strategy, state and local governments can use HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) funds and...
OHFA seeks public input regarding the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program
Help the Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency formulate a blueprint for the Oklahoma Housing Stability Program. Once finalized, this program will provide $215 million for the following purposes: New construction of single family homes New construction of multifamily rental...
HUD Awards Oklahoma Organizations Housing Counseling Grants
HUD's Office of Housing Counseling announced awards totaling $80,193 in grant funding to four (4) Oklahoma housing counseling organizations. The awards will assist these organizations with providing homebuyers, homeowners, and renters in underserved communities with...
Virtual Listening Session on Green Energy / Renewable / Sustainable Energy Career Opportunities in Oklahoma
On July 18, 2023, from 10:30 a.m. to Noon, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce (ODOC) will host a virtual listening session on Oklahoma Green Energy/Renewable/Sustainable (Green Energy) career opportunities in the Green Energy workforce currently and over the next...
NSPIRE- Final Notice on HUD inspection standards
HUD issued a final notice on inspection standards for the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) rule, detailing inspectable items (i.e. carbon monoxide alarms, cooking appliances, electrical outlets and ventilation) at properties...