Insights for affordable housing developers and nonprofit organizations that want to thrive
As part of our consulting services for our nonprofit, government and business clients, we share research, articles and resources about the challenges and trends in affordable housing and community services today. It is our hope that our take on these issues will give you new ideas and inspire you to continue making a difference in your community.
OHFA discussion covering the Action Plans for the HOME, NHTF, and HOPWA Programs
Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency invites you to attend the public input session regarding its Action Plans for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, National Housing Trust Fund, and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs for Program Year 2024....
Oklahoma Public Information Session for Upcoming OK Energy Rebate Programs
The Oklahoma Department of Commerce (Commerce) released a request for information (RFI) to gather information and seek input for an upcoming solicitation and program design for two rebate programs. The request for information is now available for public input from...
Virtual Training: 8/24 @ Noon=Foundations of Energy Savings Performance Contracting in Oklahoma
Energy Savings Performance Contracting (ESPC) offers states, localities, public infrastructure, and institutional facilities an opportunity to finance energy efficiency investments by leveraging the energy, water, and operational cost savings projects achieve over...
Oklahoma Makes Major Changes to Housing Stability Program Draft Documents
On August 3, OHFA received clarification from the State that the term "gap financing, " used in HB 1031x for the Oklahoma Increased Housing Program, does not allow program funds to be granted. HB 1031x Statute. Therefore, the structure of this program has...
HUD Publishes Updated Public and Assisted Housing Guidance for Treatment of Solar Programs
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published updated guidance for owners of properties participating in HUD Multifamily Assisted Housing programs regarding the treatment of financial benefits received from participation in community solar energy...