Insights for affordable housing developers and nonprofit organizations that want to thrive
As part of our consulting services for our nonprofit, government and business clients, we share research, articles and resources about the challenges and trends in affordable housing and community services today. It is our hope that our take on these issues will give you new ideas and inspire you to continue making a difference in your community.
Request for Information: HUD Seeks Input on Design of New Green and Resilient Retrofit Program for Multifamily Assisted Properties
On September 26, HUD published a Request for Information seeking input on program design features, energy-saving measures, low-emission technologies, and resilience design measures that have proven effective in affordable multifamily buildings. In addition, HUD seeks...
Input Session TODAY! Oklahoma 2023 relevant changes regarding the five (CDBG, ESG, HTF, HOME, HOPWA)
State 2023 Public Input Session Location: Oklahoma Department of Commerce Gallery 1-1 900 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Online Zoom Meeting Link: https://okcommerce.zoomgov.com/j/1600309588 Meeting ID: 160 030 9588 Call-in Phone Number: 551-285-1373 Date &...
The DOE Building Energy Codes Program offers online seminars to follow the 2022 National Energy Codes Conference. Each biweekly NECC Seminar Series session will be presented across various engaging formats, from topic-based lectures to expert panels to interactive...
HUD Issues Final Rule on Method to Determine Compliance with 24-Month Commitment Requirements for HOME Funds
HUD's final rule, issued on September 24, 2022, implements a grant-specific method of determining compliance with the HOME commitment deadlines. As HUD's interim rule discussed, beginning with FY 2015 grants, a participating jurisdiction must select the grant year's...
Oklahoma Department of Commerce Hosts State Consolidated Plan Input Session, September 30
Oklahoma Department of Commerce Hosts State Consolidated Plan Input Session, September 30 This meeting takes place in person and via Zoom. September 30 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. Oklahoma Department of Commerce Gallery 1-1 900 N. Stiles Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Online Zoom...