Insights for affordable housing developers and nonprofit organizations that want to thrive
As part of our consulting services for our nonprofit, government and business clients, we share research, articles and resources about the challenges and trends in affordable housing and community services today. It is our hope that our take on these issues will give you new ideas and inspire you to continue making a difference in your community.
OK House Completes Legislative Bill Filing for 2023 Session
The Oklahoma House of Representatives completed bill filing Thurs., Jan. 19, for the first session of the 59th Legislature. A total of 1,901 House Bills and 44 House Joint Resolutions were filed. One House Resolution was filed outlining House Rules and was adopted on...
HUD Issues Revised Handbook 1344.1, Federal Labor Standards Requirements in HUD Programs
The Office of Davis-Bacon and Labor Standards has issued Handbook 1344.1 Revision 3, now publicly available on HUDCLIPS. Handbook 1344.1, Federal Labor Standards Requirements in Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Programs, provides a comprehensive description of how...
2023 State Weatherization Plan Public Comment Period and Public Hearing
Annually, the Oklahoma Department of Commerce submits a State Plan to the U.S. Department of Energy regarding implementing the Oklahoma Low-Income Weatherization Assistance Program. The 2023 State Plan (Program Year April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024), will be made...
Data and Fair Housing Planning: Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Data and Mapping Tool Video Series Now Available
The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Data and Mapping Tool (AFFH-T) Video Series guides fair housing professionals about how the AFFH-T and other local data sources can be used to analyze local conditions as part of a fair housing analysis and planning process....
Residents Settle Lawsuit Against USDA and Landlord to Preserve Affordable Housing in Iowa and Nationwide
Residents Settle Lawsuit Against USDA and Landlord to Preserve Affordable Housing in Iowa and Nationwide USDA and Northpark Apartments Agree to Keep Apartments Affordable STORM LAKE, IA – After more than a year of federal court litigation, five residents of Northpark...