by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Apr 17, 2018 | Uncategorized
I hope to see you Thursday at the OKC 50 year Fair Housing Forum. Hear from the US Assistance Secretary for Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity, HUD; US Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administrator, HHS, and many others. The event is FREE, includes lunch and...
by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Apr 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
HUD has released a new report highlighting the importance and impact of the Housing Credit. The report, Understanding Whom the LIHTC Program Serves: Data on Tenants in LIHTC Units as of December 31, 2015, documents that 44.5 percent of Housing Credit properties’...
by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Mar 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) last week announced proposed changes to the maps it uses to determine whether specific areas are eligible for Rural Housing Service’s (RHS) Single Family Housing and Multi-Family Housing programs. The proposed maps go into...
by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Mar 31, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Oklahoma Housing Finance Agency released the 2018 National Housing Trust Fund Application, The National Housing Trust Fund Program for the State of Oklahoma is for Rental projects only and can only serve households at 30% of Area Median Income or the...
by DeBruler Inc. Web Blog | Mar 29, 2018 | Uncategorized
The Office of Affordable Housing Programs announces the release of the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) Multifamily Underwriting Template. This template assists HOME Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) to complete required underwriting and subsidy layering....